Altra Giulia trovata durante la mia crociata!....
Prezzo modico (2002) di €8000. Stupenda, ma fuori budget per me.
L'ho lasciata "a mollo" per qualche settimana,
ma dopo aver ricontattato il venditore, mi ha detto che è stata venduta a €7500.
Complimenti all'acquirente!
This is my latest find! I don't know anything about history or price yet...I don't think it'll be cheap, but as soon as I know I'll update the site!
Update: price is €8000. Nice but expensive. I left
it for a few weeks and then got in touch again, but it had gone for €7500, good
luck to the new owner!
in anticipo. e consigli/aiuti/abusi a
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
update 16th November 2002
me ( for
any comments....